Silicon Sam's Technology Resource
Expanded Table of Contents (ToC):
HTML, Photos, Diagrams, and Schematics
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if both of the following conditions are satisfied:
- This notice is included in its entirety at the beginning.
- There is no charge except to cover the costs of copying.
This Expanded Table of Contents (ToC) provides links to all of the files
of Silicon Sam's Technology Resource (SSTR). These pages may be used in place
of the normal Main ToC, to identify those graphics files which are part of any
given FAQ, or simply as a means of just looking at the pretty pictures. :-)
There are *zillions* of additional diagrams and schematics included
within the HTML files themselves. Those that are listed here are only the
ones that are in .pdf, .gif, .jpg, or other graphics or compressed format.
The links below open up a single new browser window
so the Expanded Table of Contents will remain present, sort of like flexible
frames. Comments, pro or con, welcome.
Links to ZIP files with the latest version of the complete
SSTR may be found in Home and Mirror Site Locations.
Silicon Sam's Technology Resource Expanded Table of Contents
SSTR Top Level Pages, Mirror Site Info, Local Installation
The Most Important Document - Must Read
Notes on the Troubleshooting and Repair of...
Sam's Other Repair Information
LASERS: Safety, Info, Links, Parts, Types, Drive, Construction
Sam's General Electronics Information and Links
- Various Schematics and Diagrams (Link,
- Simple High Voltage Generator
- Flyback Based RF Source (flybkrf1.gif).
- Jacob's Ladders
- Simple High Voltage Probe Design (hvprobe.htm).
- Salvaging Interesting Gadgets, Components, and Subsystems (gadget.htm).
- Miscellaneous Technical Information (Which You Probably Don't Need)
- Performance Testing of Computer and Video Monitors (montest.htm).
- Approaches to using Fixed Frequency or Non-Standard Monitors on PCs (ffmon.htm).
- Notes on Video Conversion (vidconv.htm).
- Fluorescent Lamps, Ballasts, and Fixtures (flamp.htm).
- Gas Discharge Lamps, Ballasts, and Fixtures (dlamp.htm).
- International Power and Standards Conversion (pwrfaq.htm).
- Engineering, Science, and Other (Pretty Clean) Jokes Collection (humor.htm).
- X-ray Systems (xraysys.htm).
- Sam's Neat, Nifty, and Handy Bookmarks (sambook.htm).
Warning Signs and Essential and Optional Icons :-)
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